A monstrous new trio of one-of-a-kind thrill rides at the Mountain Mile entertainment complex (2655 Teaster Lane) in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee: the Mountain Monster, Monster Fall and Monster Launch. All three unique attractions operate from a single 200-foot tower, where riders will drop, dive at the center of the growing entertainment complex.
The Mountain Monster is an aerial dive ride that drops two passengers from atop a 200-foot platform, swinging them out over the complex at 65 mph. The eight-passenger Monster Fall, a true freefall experience that slowly raises riders to the top of the 200-foot tower, offering a birds-eye view of the surrounding Pigeon Forge valley. With its unique, wide-open saddle seat design, the Monster Launch gives the sensation of complete exposure, as two brave riders sit back-to-back and are “slung” 175 feet straight up into the air.